Empress Information
Empress No-Nos
Ultimately the Empress rules
Empress' Web Sites
Empress NavBar
Empress HTML Code
All things webring Help
Places the Empress Loves
Contact the Empress

The Empress says Welcome and please come in.

Welcome and thank you for your interest in who the Empress is..

The Empress of WebRing Home Page is made up of a number of pages to help you get to know the Empress a little better.

Please work your way through all the page on the Navigational menu, top to bottom, located on the left hand side. However this webring no longer exists and these pages remain to remind everyone of the control freaks that run

The NavBar you see below is how it looked with all correct links however because the actual ring no longer exists, the freaks at have redirected the rings URL to another ring so I have changed the URL on the NavBar to take you to a much nicer place, The World of Webrings. I have also had to remove the ring navigational links for the same reason.

Empress Of WebRing!
Meet &rea the Goddess herself.
I am Empress Of WebRing, you are NOT!!

"Kiss The Feet of the WebRing Goddess"
