Empress' Web Sites

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Empress' Web Sites
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Places the Empress Loves
Contact the Empress

&Rob's Start Page - Not sure what this is about, perhaps just there to clutter the WWW

&rea's Place ( now &rea's Entropic Paradise ) - Just more stuff from someone who has nothing better to do with her time. Empress' can get very bored and well . . .

&rea's Avon Site ( web site removed ) - The Empress has been a bad bad girl.

[ Quote ]

Sorry, folks, I got "caught". What this means is that Avon singled me out for punishment. There are many more sites you can visit online, most of which are violating Avon's advertising rules in one way or another just as I was. However, they are permitted to remain. Why? I haven't a clue. All I know is that I was commanded to remove my site immediately and, since I value my Avon career, I complied. However, I don't agree with how arbitrarily the rules are enforced.

Read more, click the link above (be prepared for this to have changed from what you see now)

[ /Quote ]

Missions at the Airport (MATA) - Don't people have photo albums these days? Boring, boring, boring . . .

Wrug - Perhaps a little useful if you can find your way around. A much more extensive place about Help issues and very user friendly is James S. Huggins Refrigerator Door .

Wrug AGAIN - How many Wrug sites are there anyway! Hey but go check out a user friendly site if you need help James S. Huggins Refrigerator Door .


"Kiss The Feet of the WebRing Goddess"
